Monday, February 9, 2015

Apartment plans moving forward on Stonewall Street

Plans for a new mixed-use, 440-unit apartment complex at Stonewall and South Caldwell streets are moving forward, according to paperwork filed last week.

The 3.6-acre vacant parcel (map below) is owned by the city of Charlotte. According to paperwork filed Friday, Crescent Communities is going ahead with plans to develop the site.

Here's the full description of the project: "Crescent Uptown• Detailed Scope of Work: Mixed-use development with ground floor retail, structured parking, mid-rise apartments, and high-rise apartments. Approximately 440 units and 47,000 sf of retail."

Crescent confirmed the basic details, and said more information should be available soon, so stay turned. Fun fact: This parcel was the fenced-off (and mostly unused) "free speech zone" for protesters during the DNC in 2012.

Crescent is busy around town these days building Crescent SouthPark and Crescent Dilworth, upscale apartment complexes set to be finished later this year. And a few blocks away, at Stonewall and Tryon streets, Crescent is planning to start construction this summer on Tryon Place, an office tower.

So, Charlotte's apartment boom continues. Check out my story last week about the boom for some more context.

(Shout-out to the guys at Urban Planet for noticing these plans first)


Unknown said...

I hope the retail includes a good restaurant - mid-priced, as CCCP's cries that we are bereft of $50-a-plate restaurants are totally unfounded - like maybe Pizzaria Uno could come back to uptown Charlotte!

Mike Lee said...

So nice to have something fill up that spot. It looked so ugly having nothing there but a pile of dirt. It was so visually unappealing, I got so tired of just looking at the Nascar Hall of Fame sitting all alone there on the corner. People would step out of the that building and have nowhere to go. This should make the area more vibrant and make a connection with Southend much smoother.

Anonymous said...

Hope that this 47k in retail means it's a full service grocery store. I've heard that Whole Foods was sniffing around for an uptown site.

Anonymous said...

Another attempt to pump life into downtown-- YES DOWNTOWN-- UPTOWN is a marketing ploy. Things were just simpler when folks went downtown and worked and then left-- of course most nights that's still what happens-- can't imagine living in the area-- is so depressing- especially on the weekendns-

Anonymous said...

@Anon 12:04pm - You apparently still think it's the 1990s in Charlotte. Uptown, or downtown as you prefer, has changed for the better considerably. No one will mistaken our center city for midtown Manhattan, but it's certainly not a 9-5, Monday-Friday place either. There is plenty of life in uptown now, especially on the weekends. Go for a stroll on a Saturday night and see.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous #2... it's Uptown you nimrod. If you don't like it, move somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks uptown is still dead nights and weekends clearly hasn't been to the area. even in just one year uptown continues to grow, almost weekly. With new condos, new restaurants and bars. Once the blue line is complete more students will come to the area nights and weekends, no car, cheaper than taxis.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is "Uptown". Why be like every other city? That's how you create an identity and create positive energy for your center city. Especially with all the recent growth.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 12:04 probably lives 30+ min from uptown and last time they went was for a bowl game in the BofA stadium